At our VVU, we believe in engaging learners with the profound and timeless questions of life. Questions like, “What is truth?” or “What is a fully examined life?” challenge learners to think deeply, critically, and personally about their world and their place in it.

This school year, we choose to introduce the idea of an overarching question because our learners felt ready to tackle these big conversations. In true Acton fashion, the learners wanted a say in the question. For the 2024-2025 school year our question is: What motivates a learner? 

What Is an Overarching Question?

An overarching question is a guiding theme for the school year, explored through each of our Quests. Each Quest poses its own thought-provoking question, such as:

  • “When does a hero submit to authority?”
  • “Does the past determine the future?”
  • “Does power corrupt?”

These questions are philosophical and provocative, encouraging learners to:

  • Explore important ideas deeply.
  • Reflect on their personal Hero’s Journey.
  • Connect their learning experiences across the year in meaningful ways.

Why an Overarching Question Matters

  1. Raises Big Ideas:
    • Engages learners in discussions about values, ethics, and purpose.
    • Helps them grapple with complex ideas that resonate beyond the classroom.
  2. Personal Relevance:
    • Encourages learners to find connections to their own lives and journeys.
    • Fosters a sense of ownership and curiosity about their learning.
  3. Unifies Learning:
    • Provides a cohesive thread that ties together all Quests, Civilization sessions, and reflections throughout the year.

The Impact on Learners

Engaging with an Overarching Question prepares learners for a lifetime of critical thinking, reflection, and self-discovery. It nurtures their ability to tackle challenges, make ethical decisions, and find meaning in their experiences. This approach ensures their education is not just about academics but about becoming thoughtful, engaged citizens of the world.