

About Vail Valley Unbound
Our Mission

What We Stand For

We are a learner-driven community that aims to inspire, facilitate, and guide our young learners to find their calling and maintain a lifelong love of learning.

Our Guides

We are passionate game-makers focused on preparing an environment for learners to drive their education.

Our Guides promise to: Treat each learner, parent, and owner as a genius who deserves to find a calling that will change the world. Objectively measure progress in delegating tasks, roles, and responsibility to learners as soon as possible.  Judge our own job performance through objective, anonymous surveys from learners as to how well we are delivering on our promises.
A Message From Our

Co-Founder and Lead Guide

Hi, My name is Heather McMahon, co-founder and lead guide at Vail Valley Unbound

Ten years ago, I felt a strong calling to develop a learning environment where children were revered as strong, rich and capable individuals. The school would foster a love for learning, questions would be encouraged, feelings would be expressed, exploration and enrichment would become the essence of our days.

In June of 2013 The Youth Enrichment School (YES) opened its doors and has since housed dozens of children and families in Eagle County. As I reflect back on the School’s impact among our community’s youngest learners I feel inspired yet again, this time to evolve and scale up the YES model so that we may guide more children deeper into their educational journey.

Today, as my YES students (including my own son) begin their next chapter of education, I envision a new-yet- similar environment where passionate educators and curious learners grow and work together.

Unbound will be a place that keeps learning full of excitement, and where laughter will be found around every corner. Our environment will be bustling with curious world changers who embody a growth mindset. Now is the time, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve even more children and families while helping to open the doors of Vail Valley Unbound.

We Believe

Each person who enters will find a calling that changes the world.

Purpose: Be a good friend and learn to read.

Signature Experience: Montessori/Loose parts play.

Explore Our Studios

Purpose: Be Curious.

Signature Experience: Quests and Civilization

Explore Our Studios

Purpose: Be Curious. Lead.

Signature Experience: Quests and Civilization

Explore Our Studios