Launches happen daily at VVU. These kick off our day and energize our learners for what is ahead. Here is an example of one of our Spark Studio launches. Eventually, these launches are lead by learners but for now, they are lead by a guide.
Who’s in Charge? Taking Ownership of Our Studio
Imagine walking into the studio, ready to start your day, only to realize that {Guide’s Name Here} is missing. What would you do? Would you carry on as usual, or would you look for a way to keep the studio running smoothly?
To explore this idea, we’ll take inspiration from Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry G. Allard and James Marshall. In the story, a classroom faces unexpected challenges when their teacher disappears. How do they handle it? And more importantly, how would you handle it if our guide were absent?
Taking Responsibility
With {Guide’s Name Here} out sick today, the responsibility of running the studio falls to you! What’s your plan? Consider these options:
- Continue without the guide: Everyone knows their role, so the studio can function as usual.
- Appoint a learner from Spark to lead: A fellow learner steps up as the temporary guide.
- Invite a learner from another studio: Someone outside your group helps lead the way.
- Come up with your own solution: Is there another creative way to ensure the studio runs smoothly?
Today, be on the lookout for opportunities to take ownership of your studio. Each time you identify a task you can take over from a guide, write it down and post it on the board. Use pictures, labels, or sentences—whatever works best for you!
Taking responsibility today will prepare you to lead tomorrow. Let’s step up and show that we are capable, confident, and ready to run our own studio!